Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Post Production

 Post Production

While analyzing out first attempt, we realized that we didn't really convey the meaning of the genre and we tried to fit the whole story in the production causing it to look rushed. Our teacher gave us feedback on how to make it better, when we did wrong, and unnecessary parts. We cut out dialogue because it was unnecessary to our production because it was supposed to be a dream sequence and there isn't any dialogue in one. When editing our film, we mostly used straight cuts because that is they type of transition that is frequently in horror movies. We utilized straight cuts to show shots of our school to establish the location. We used a shot-reverse-shot to give the impression that there was dialogue happening. Dissolves were used to symbolize a passage of time.


Throughout this film, we used technology that was easy for us to get our hands on: an iPhone 12 and an iPhone 11. We had to switch back and fourth between the two phones due to the 12 having storage problems and the phone just cutting out in a spot of our shooting site. We used the 11 for some shots since it didn't cut out and it had ample storage. We had the camera setting at 4K at first but before re-shooting, our teacher suggested to not have the quality as sharp as it was so we dialed it down in settings. 

Before we filmed the second time, we ran into the issue of the branding on our clothing. Before we decided to re-shoot, Nia tried to photoshop the branding so we could avoid copy right but it would have taken too long because it would go frame by frame. Plus, we needed to re-shoot anyways. For our editing software, we used WeVideo.com. The website was easy to navigate, we edited our video how we deemed fit ten exported it to our class YouTube account. 


When we uploaded our videos into WeVideo, we placed them in the order they needed to go in, add the black and white filter since we couldn't change lighting so we used it for dark tones. We used fading transitions to emphasize that it was a dream. For sound, we used chilling music with suspense then ha d it progress to a fast pace when the killer came on screen and chased me. The other sound like knocking and the panting were made by us. The gasp and panting was used to show a sense of fear and uneasiness about the dream.

Saturday, March 5, 2022



The Branding Process

When we were tasked to come up with a name for our production company, we started bouncing ideas off each other. Evicka came up with the name "JEN-Z" and we all surprisingly liked it. The names stems from 2 thing: all if us are in Generation Z and our names conveniently make out the name. The J is for Ja'Niyah, the E is for Evicka, the N is for Nia, and the Z is for Zhanae (me).  After that. we looked for names to but at the end like companies do. We looked at: pictures, studios, productions, films, and entertainment. We decided that productions would be the best fit and that was JEN-Z Productions came to be. Afterwords, we made our own production company videos. Below I have inserted mine.

Thursday, March 3, 2022



Filming Process

When the pre-production stage was completed, we started filming our shots as soon as we could. The plan was to film from February 22-25 but we (the class) were all catching up on blogs, trying out the editing software, making our branding for our opening sequence, and making changes to things that our teacher deemed necessary. Due to this, the teacher gave us an additional week to film, February 28-March 4. Within this week, we started to film the shots in the library and in the halls. We used Nia's iPhone 12 and Evicka's iPhone 11. On Monday, we shot me walking in the hall; it was also picture day for us. On Tuesday and Wednesday, we did shots with just me, Nia, and Evicka since Ja'Niyah was absent. On Friday, Ja'Niyah came and we did the shots that had her. Using a phone and adjusting the camera settings made a really good camera instead of using actual ones. Using the right angles and camera movements portray the meaning through the video. In one the scenes where Ethan (a classmate), for example, we used a low angle shot to make him appear larger and menacing since he isn't that tall. There weren't any tutorials used since the equipment/camera was our typical, everyday phone. Me and my group-mates launched ideas of how we could shoot the scene.

Bloopers/ "A-ha" Moments

This is a clip of me walking in the hall but the setting was in time-lapse, making it look funny and sped up, My friend who aren't n CTA happened to be in the halls and tried to talk to me but I had to get the shot,

In this shot, I was coming in to tell them my line but it was too funny because it was the first time i said it and me, Nia, and Evicka busted out laughing.

In this shot, I had to record my classmate Ethan running in the halls but the thing is, I was running backwards and I got scared because I thought i was going to hit something so I just started yelling okay over and over. 

Final Production

  Final Production This is our final production "Insider or Intruder".